Orthodontic treatments provided through our trusted network of specialists can improve your appearance and quality of life.
Traditional orthodontics are not placed at our office, but we have several trusted specialists in our area who use braces to align teeth.
Braces are often associated with the teenage years, but can be used with orthodontic treatment at any age. The younger the patient, the more easily and predictably the teeth will move, but adult patients have excellent treatment outcomes as well.
At our office, we commonly refer pediatric patients, around 7-8 years old, to the orthodontist when there are signs of misaligned teeth and an abnormal bite. These patients benefit tremendously from early intervention with a specialist.
For patients who have an ideal bite and jaw relationship, we will monitor their development at our office and refer to local orthodontists for treatment in their early teenage years.
Clear aligner therapies are an innovative and cosmetic option for orthodontic treatment of misaligned teeth. Invisalign, one of the first clear aligner systems, is synonymous with the ClearCorrect treatment modality. There are many other manufacturers of these treatments, and we are proud to offer ClearCorrect at our office.
Patients of any age can be suitable for this treatment, as long as the tooth misalignment is not severe. Clear aligner therapies work using 3-D printed trays, which move the teeth to their desired location by transitioning through a series of trays. Usually patients will be switching trays every one to two weeks, depending on the compliance and speed at which the teeth are moving.
Adjustments may be made to some teeth before, during, and after ClearCorrect therapy as needed. Inter proximal reduction (IPR), trims small amounts of enamel from between crowded teeth, which creates space for tooth movement. Engagers are tooth colored "bumps" which will clip into the trays and create more forceful movements on specific teeth. These engagers are removed when treatment is complete.
Clear aligner therapies available online that are shipped directly to your home and do not have direct oversight of a local dentist should be considered with caution. Incomplete dental histories, as well as periodontal disease that is not properly diagnosed, can lead to significant complications in orthodontic treatment such as loss of root height and permanently loose teeth. Always consult our office before proceeding with any of those at-home therapies.